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These are the SignWriting symbols for American Sign Language (ASL), as distributed with SignWriter® 4.4. They were generated as a side-effect of creating some routines to allow SignWriting signs to be saved in PNG format; there's just a trivial driver that walks through a dictionary and generates a PNG for each sign.
On the one hand, I'm pretty sure the logic for drawing the signs is correct. On the other hand, there are some signs that don't look the way I was taught them. I don't know if these are typos in the dictionary or if there's some subtlety in the way signs are generated that I've missed. For example, the signs for "how many" and "how much" have the ending handshape in the wall plane rather than the floor plane; I don't know if that's the way they are in the original dictionary.
This page really ought to be broken up into smaller pieces (or made searchable somehow) but that would make the driver more complex. If somebody wants to tackle that as a project, be my guest (but please let me know if you do; I'd like to steal back the result).
A ,a | |
a lot | |
abbreviate (v) | |
ability (1)(n) potential | |
ability (2)(n) skill | |
ability (3)(n) skill | |
able (adj) | |
abortion (n) | |
about (1)(prep) about something | |
about (2)(prep) about something | |
about (3)(adv) approximately | |
about (4) about time, finally | |
above (1) direction above | |
above (2) direction above | |
above (3) amount that is more than | |
above (4) amount that is more than | |
absent (1) missing | |
absent (2) cutting class | |
accept (1)(v) | |
accept (2)(v) | |
accept (3)(v) | |
accept (4)(v) | |
accident (n) with a vehicle | |
accidental (adj) mistaken happening | |
accidentally (adv) by mistake | |
accompany (v) accompany with | |
accomplishment (1)(n) | |
accomplishment (2)(n) | |
accountant (1) | |
accountant (2) | |
ache (v) | |
acquire (v) | |
acrid (1)(adj) bitter taste | |
acrid (2)(adj) bitter feeling | |
across (1)(prep) | |
across (2)(prep) | |
act (1)(v) perform | |
act (2)(n) section of a theatrical play | |
act (3)(v) do, action | |
action (n) | |
actor (1) | |
actor (2) | |
actress (1) | |
actress (2) | |
actual (adj) | |
actually (adv) | |
adapt (v) | |
add (1)(v) | |
add (2)(v) add onto | |
add (3)(v) add up in a column | |
address (n) | |
adjective (n) | |
administrator (1) | |
administrator (2) | |
admit (1)(v) | |
admit (2)(v) | |
adopt (1)(v) adopt a child | |
adopt (2)(v) accept | |
adore | |
adult (1)(n) | |
adult (2)(n) | |
adult (3)(n) | |
advantage (1)(n) benefit | |
advantage (2)(v) to take advantage | |
advertise (1)(v) | |
advertise (2) | |
advise (v) | |
advisor (n) | |
advocacy (n) | |
advocate (v) | |
aerobic | |
afraid (1)(adv) | |
afraid (2)(adv) | |
afraid (3)(adv) | |
Africa (1)(n) | |
Africa (2)(n) | |
African (1)(adj) | |
African (2)(adj) | |
after (1) | |
after (2) | |
afternoon (1) early afternoon | |
afternoon (2) middle of the afternoon | |
afternoon (3) all afternoon | |
afternoon (4) late afternoon | |
afternoon (5) very late in the afternoon | |
again | |
against (1) | |
against (2) | |
age (1) | |
age (2) | |
agency | |
ago (1) | |
ago (2) | |
ago (3) | |
ago (4) | |
agree | |
ahead | |
aid (1)(v) assist | |
aid (2)(v) help | |
aid (3)(n) assistance | |
aide (1)(n) assistant | |
aide (2)(n) assistant | |
air force (n) | |
airplane (n) | |
airport (n) | |
Alabama (n) | |
alarm (n) | |
Alaska (n) | |
alcohol (1)(n) | |
alcohol (2)(n) | |
alcohol (3)(n) | |
alcohol (4)(n) | |
alcoholic (1) | |
alcoholic (2) | |
alcoholic (3) | |
alcoholic (4) | |
algebra (n) | |
alike | |
alive | |
all (1) whole | |
all (2) whole | |
all gone | |
all over | |
all right | |
alligator | |
allow (1) let | |
allow (2) let | |
allow (3) | |
almost | |
alone (1) I am alone | |
alone (2) you are alone | |
alphabet | |
already (1) | |
already (2) | |
already (3) | |
already (4) | |
alright | |
also (1) | |
also (2) | |
altar | |
alter (change) | |
always (1) | |
always (2) | |
am | |
amen | |
America (n) | |
American (1)(adj) person from America | |
American (2)(adj) | |
American Sign Language | |
among | |
amount | |
analyze (1) | |
analyze (2) | |
ancestors | |
and (1) | |
and (2) | |
and (3) and so forth, and so on | |
angel | |
anger | |
angry (1) | |
angry (2) | |
angry (3) | |
angry (4) | |
angry (5) | |
angry (6) grouchy, cross | |
angry (7) very angry | |
angry (8) burning or boiling mad | |
animal (1) | |
animal (2) | |
announce | |
annually | |
another | |
answer (1) noun | |
answer (2) verb | |
answer (3) verb | |
answer (4) verb | |
ant | |
anxious | |
any (1) | |
any (2) | |
anyone (1) | |
anyone (2) | |
anything (1) | |
anything (2) | |
anyway | |
apart (1) separate | |
apart (2) separate | |
apologise | |
appear (1) show up | |
appear (2) seem | |
applause (1) | |
applause (2) | |
apple | |
apply (1) volunteer | |
apply (2) | |
appointment | |
appreciate (1) | |
appreciate (2) | |
approach | |
appropriate | |
approve | |
approximately (1) about | |
approximately (2) in the area of | |
April | |
architect (1) | |
architect (2) | |
architecture | |
area (1) | |
area (2) | |
argue (1) | |
argue (2) a lot | |
argue (3) discuss | |
argue (4) discuss back and forth, negotiate | |
arithmetic | |
Arizona | |
Arkansas | |
arm | |
army | |
around (1) | |
around (2) | |
around (3) approximately | |
arrange | |
arrest | |
arrive | |
art (1) | |
art (2) | |
art (3) | |
art show | |
article (1) | |
article (2) | |
artificial | |
artist (1)(adj) | |
artist (2)(adj) | |
ashamed (1) | |
ashamed (2) | |
ashamed (3) | |
ask (1) ask a question directly | |
ask (2) ask me a question informally | |
ask (3) ask you a question informally | |
ask (4) formal request, ask a favor | |
ASL (American Sign Language) | |
assistant (1) | |
assistant (2) | |
associate (mingle socially) | |
association | |
astrologer (1) | |
astrologer (2) | |
astrology | |
at (1) | |
at (2) at last, finally | |
at (3) @ | |
at (4) at least | |
Atlanta, Georgia | |
attempt | |
attend (1) go | |
attend (2) go regularly | |
attention (1) | |
attention (2) | |
attitude (1) | |
attitude (2) | |
attorney (1) | |
attorney (2) | |
audience (1) | |
audience (2) | |
audiologist (1) | |
audiologist (2) | |
audiology | |
August | |
aunt | |
Australia (n) | |
Australian (adj) | |
Austria (n) | |
Austrian (adj) | |
author (1) writer | |
author (2) writer | |
auto racing | |
automatically (1) | |
automatically (2) | |
automatically (3) | |
automobile (1) | |
automobile (2) | |
automobile (3) auto racing | |
autumn (fall) | |
avoid | |
away | |
awful | |
awhile | |
awkward | |
B ,b | |
baby (1) | |
baby (2) | |
baby room (nursery) | |
babyish | |
bachelor | |
back (1) return | |
back (2) part of the body | |
back (3) back in the past | |
backpacking | |
bacon | |
bad (1) | |
bad (2) very bad | |
bag | |
baggage | |
bake (in oven) | |
balance (1) | |
balance (2) | |
bald (1) | |
bald (2) | |
bald (3) | |
ball | |
balloon (1) | |
balloon (2) | |
Baltimore, Maryland | |
banana | |
bandit | |
bank (1) building | |
bank (2) save, store money | |
bank (3) preserve or store for a long time | |
Baptist | |
baptize | |
bar (pub) | |
barbeque | |
barber (1) | |
barber (2) | |
bare (1) naked | |
bare (2) naked | |
bare (3) naked | |
baseball | |
basement | |
bashful | |
basic | |
basically | |
basket | |
basketball (1) | |
basketball (2) | |
basketball (3) | |
bath (n) | |
bathe (v) | |
bathrobe | |
bathroom (toilet) | |
battery | |
bawl out | |
beans (1) | |
beans (2) | |
bear (1) animal | |
bear (2) to suffer, endure | |
bear (3) to carry | |
beard | |
beautiful (1) | |
beautiful (2) | |
beaver | |
because (1) | |
because (2) | |
become | |
bed | |
bedroom | |
bee | |
beef | |
beer | |
before (1) | |
before (2) | |
before (3) in the past | |
before (4) in the past | |
before (5) in the past, a very long time ago | |
beg (1) beg for money | |
beg (2) beg for money | |
beg (3) beg for money | |
beg (4) beg for money | |
beg (5) plead | |
begin (1) | |
begin (2) | |
behind | |
Belgian (adj) | |
Belgium | |
belief | |
believe | |
belong | |
below (1) direction beneath | |
below (2) amount that is less than | |
below (3) amount that is less than | |
belt | |
beneath | |
benefit (1) | |
benefit (2) | |
benefit (3) | |
benefit (4) | |
berry | |
best | |
better (1) | |
better (2) | |
between | |
beverage | |
Bible | |
bicycle | |
big (1) | |
big (2) | |
big (3) big-headed | |
billiards (1) | |
billiards (2) | |
bird | |
birth (1) | |
birth (2) | |
birthday | |
biscuit | |
bit (1) a little bit | |
bit (2) a little bit | |
bitter (1) taste | |
bitter (2) attitude, feeling | |
bitter (3) bitter person | |
black (1) | |
black (2) | |
blackjack | |
blame (1) | |
blame (2) | |
blanket (1) | |
blanket (2) | |
bleed | |
bleeding | |
blend | |
bless (1) | |
bless (2) | |
blessing (1) | |
blessing (2) | |
blind | |
blood | |
blouse (1) | |
blouse (2) | |
blow up (bomb) | |
blue (1) | |
blue (2) | |
blush (1) | |
blush (2) | |
boat (1) | |
boat (2) | |
body (1) | |
body (2) | |
boiling mad | |
bologna | |
bomb | |
book (1) | |
book (2) bookshelf | |
booklet (1) | |
booklet (2) | |
booklet (3) | |
boots (1) | |
boots (2) | |
bore | |
boring | |
born (1) | |
born (2) | |
borrow | |
boss (1) | |
boss (2) | |
Boston, Massachusetts (1) | |
Boston, Massachusetts (2) | |
both (1) pair | |
both (2) the two of us | |
bottle (1) | |
bottle (2) | |
bottle (3) | |
bottom | |
bowl (1) | |
bowl (2) | |
bowling (1) | |
bowling (2) | |
box (1) | |
box (2) | |
box (3) | |
boxing | |
boy (1) | |
boy (2) | |
bra (1) | |
bra (2) | |
brain (1) left brain | |
brain (2) right brain | |
brains (1) | |
brains (2) | |
brave (1) | |
brave (2) | |
Brazil | |
bread (1) | |
bread (2) | |
break | |
breakfast (1) | |
breakfast (2) | |
breath (1) | |
breath (2) | |
breathe (1) | |
breathe (2) | |
breeze | |
bridge | |
brief (1) short time | |
brief (2) condense | |
bright (1) clear, light | |
bright (2) smart, intelligent | |
bring (1) bring to me | |
bring (2) | |
broad (1) measurement | |
broad (2) broad-minded | |
brochure (1) | |
brochure (2) | |
brochure (3) | |
broke (no money) | |
broken | |
brooch | |
broom | |
brother | |
brown (1) | |
brown (2) | |
brown (3) | |
brown (4) | |
buffalo (1) animal | |
buffalo (2) animal | |
Buffalo, New York | |
bug | |
build (v) | |
building (n) | |
Bulgaria | |
Bulgarian (adj) | |
bull (1) | |
bull (2) | |
bunny (1) | |
bunny (2) | |
bunny (3) | |
bunny (4) | |
burden (1) | |
burden (2) | |
burning mad | |
bury | |
bushes | |
business (1) | |
business (2) | |
business man (1) | |
business man (2) | |
busy | |
but | |
butter (1) | |
butter (2) | |
butterfly | |
buttons | |
buy | |
by (1) written "by" | |
by (2) pass by | |
bye (1) goodbye | |
bye (2) goodbye | |
C ,c | |
cabbage | |
cabinet (1) | |
cabinet (2) | |
cage (1) | |
cage (2) | |
cake (1) | |
cake (2) | |
California (1) | |
California (2) | |
call (1)(v) call on the telephone | |
call (2)(v) call me on the telephone | |
call (3)(v) call you on the telephone | |
call (4)(v) call on the tty | |
call (5)(v) call on the tty to many people | |
call (6)(v) yell | |
call (7)(v) yell | |
call (8)(v) summon | |
call (9)(v) summon | |
calm (1) | |
calm (2) | |
camera | |
camping | |
can (1) verb | |
can (2) as in "tin can" (noun) | |
can (3) as in "tin can" (noun) | |
can't | |
Canada | |
Canadian (adj) | |
cancel | |
candle | |
candy (1) | |
candy (2) | |
cannot | |
canoe | |
canoeing | |
captain (1) | |
captain (2) | |
captions | |
capture | |
car (1) | |
car (2) | |
car (3) | |
card (1) small rectangular card | |
card (2) credit card | |
card (3) playing cards, dealing cards | |
care (1) take care | |
care (2) worry | |
careful | |
careless (1) | |
careless (2) | |
carnival | |
carpenter | |
carrot (1) | |
carrot (2) | |
carry | |
cat (1) | |
cat (2) | |
catch (1) | |
catch (2) | |
categories | |
category (group) | |
Catholic (1) | |
Catholic (2) | |
cattle (1) | |
cattle (2) | |
cattle (3) | |
cattle (4) | |
cause (1) | |
cause (2) | |
ceiling | |
celebrate (1) | |
celebrate (2) | |
cent (penny) | |
center (1) | |
center (2) | |
central (1) | |
central (2) | |
cents (1) one cent, penny | |
cents (2) two cents | |
cents (3) five cents, nickel | |
cents (4) ten cents, dime | |
cents (5) twenty-five cents, quarter | |
chair | |
chair person (1) | |
chair person (2) | |
chair person (3) | |
challenge (1) | |
challenge (2) dare | |
champagne (1)(n) | |
champagne (2)(n) | |
change (1) adapt | |
change (2) adapt | |
change (3) money, coins | |
chapter | |
character | |
charge (price) | |
charity | |
chase (1) | |
chase (2) | |
chat (1) | |
chat (2) | |
cheap | |
check (1)(n) money | |
check (2)(v) | |
check (3)(v) | |
checkers (n) game | |
cheese (1) | |
cheese (2) | |
chemist (1) | |
chemist (2) | |
chemistry | |
cherry | |
chess (n) game | |
chewing gum (1) | |
chewing gum (2) | |
Chicago, Illinois | |
chicken | |
chief (1) most important thing | |
chief (2) boss | |
chief (3) boss | |
child | |
children (1) | |
children (2) | |
chilly | |
China (1) country | |
China (2) country | |
china (3) porcelain china | |
Chinese (1)(adj) | |
Chinese (2)(adj) | |
chocolate | |
choose (1) | |
choose (2) choosing three items | |
Christ (1) | |
Christ (2) Jesus | |
Christian (1) | |
Christian (2) | |
Christmas (1) | |
Christmas (2) | |
chubby (1) | |
chubby (2) | |
church (1) | |
church (2) | |
church (2) devout | |
CIA (n) Central Intelligence Agency | |
cigarette | |
circle | |
circus (1) | |
circus (2) carnival | |
city (1) | |
city (2) | |
city (3) | |
city (4) | |
clap | |
class (1) | |
class (2) large class | |
classes (1) | |
classes (2) classes in many places | |
clean | |
clear (1) | |
clear (2) | |
clever (smart) | |
clock | |
close (1) verb | |
close (2) close to, near | |
closet (1) | |
closet (2) cabinet | |
closet (3) clothes closet | |
cloth | |
clothes | |
clothes store | |
clothing | |
clouds | |
clown | |
club (1) | |
club (2) large club | |
clubs (1) | |
clubs (2) clubs in many areas | |
clumsy (1) | |
clumsy (2) | |
coach (sports coach) | |
coat (1) | |
coat (2) | |
Coca Cola (1) | |
Coca Cola (2) | |
cocount | |
coffee (1) | |
coffee (2) | |
coin | |
coins | |
coke (1) Coca Cola drink | |
coke (2) Coca Cola drink | |
cold (1) temperature | |
cold (2) cold in the nose, sickness | |
cold (3) cold in the nose, sickness | |
collar (1) | |
collar (2) | |
collect | |
college | |
color | |
Colorado (1) | |
Colorado (2) | |
come (1) | |
come (2) coming regularly | |
come (3) | |
comfort | |
comfortable | |
comma | |
command (order) | |
commandments | |
commend (praise) | |
commercial | |
committee | |
common (1) standard | |
communicate | |
communication | |
community (1) | |
community (2) | |
community (3) | |
community (4) | |
compare | |
compete (1) | |
compete (2) | |
competent | |
competition (1) | |
competition (2) | |
complain | |
complete (1) full | |
complete (2) finish | |
compound (1) | |
compound (2) | |
computer (1) | |
computer (2) | |
computer (3) | |
computer (4) | |
computer (5) | |
concentrate | |
concept | |
condense | |
confess (1) | |
confess (2) | |
confidence | |
confidential | |
confused | |
confusion | |
congratulations | |
congress | |
congressman | |
connect (1) | |
connect (2) | |
connect (3) connected with | |
Connecticut | |
conscience | |
consider (1) | |
consider (2) | |
constitution | |
contact (1) | |
contact (2) networking | |
contented (1) | |
contented (2) | |
continue (1) | |
continue (2) | |
continue (3) | |
continue (4) | |
contrary | |
control | |
conversation | |
convince | |
cook | |
cookie | |
cool (1) temperature | |
cool (2) slang | |
cool (3) slang | |
coordinate | |
coordinated with | |
coordinator (1) | |
coordinator (2) | |
coordinator (3) | |
coordinator (4) | |
cop | |
copy | |
corn (1) | |
corn (2) | |
corner | |
correct (1) right (adjective) | |
correct (2) criticize, edit (verb) | |
cost | |
couch | |
cough (1) | |
cough (2) | |
counsel | |
counselor | |
count (1) numbers | |
count (2) numbers | |
country (1) | |
country (2) | |
county (1) | |
county (2) | |
courage (1) | |
courage (2) | |
courageous (1) | |
courageous (2) | |
course (1) lessons | |
course (2) lessons | |
course (3) of course | |
court | |
courteous (polite) | |
courthouse | |
cousin (1) male | |
cousin (2) female | |
cover (blanket) | |
cover up | |
cow (1) | |
cow (2) | |
cow (3) | |
cow (4) | |
crab (1) | |
crab (2) | |
cracker | |
crazy | |
cream (1) | |
cream (2) | |
create (1) invent | |
create (2) make | |
credit card | |
crippled | |
criticize | |
crocodile (alligator) | |
cross (1)(v) angry | |
cross (2)(n) religious symbol | |
crowd | |
cry | |
culture | |
cup | |
curious | |
curtains | |
custom (habit, used to) | |
cut (1) | |
cut (2) | |
cute (1) | |
cute (2) | |
cycling (riding a bicycle) | |
Czech (adj) | |
Czechoslovakia (n) | |
Czechoslovakian (adj) | |
D ,d | |
dad | |
daddy | |
daily | |
damage | |
dance | |
Dane (1) | |
Dane (2) | |
danger (1) | |
danger (2) | |
dangerous (1) | |
dangerous (2) | |
Danish (1)(adj) | |
Danish (2)(adj) | |
dare (1) | |
dare (2) | |
dare (3) | |
dark | |
dark green | |
dark grey | |
dark yellow | |
dating | |
daughter | |
day (1) | |
day (2) all day | |
day (3) all day | |
day (4) everyday, daily | |
daydream | |
dead | |
Deaf (1) | |
Deaf (2) | |
Deaf (3) | |
dear | |
death | |
debate (1) | |
debate (2) | |
December | |
decide (1) | |
decide (2) | |
decipher | |
decision (1) | |
decision (2) | |
decrease (1) | |
decrease (2) | |
deer | |
defend | |
Delaware | |
demand | |
demonstrate | |
demonstration | |
Denmark (1) | |
Denmark (2) | |
dentist | |
deny | |
department (1) | |
department (2) department store | |
derivation | |
derive (1) | |
derive (2) | |
derive (3) | |
descendents | |
describe | |
desert | |
desk (1) | |
desk (2) | |
desk (3) | |
desk (4) | |
desk (5) | |
dessert | |
destroy | |
Detroit, Michigan | |
develop | |
devil (1) | |
devil (2) | |
dictionary | |
did (already did something) | |
die | |
differ | |
different (1) | |
different (2) | |
different (3) | |
different (4) | |
different (5) | |
different (6) | |
difficult | |
dime (ten cents) | |
dining room | |
dinner (1) | |
dinner (2) | |
dinner (3) | |
diploma | |
direct | |
direction | |
director (1) | |
director (2) | |
dirty | |
disagree | |
disappear | |
disappointed (1) | |
disappointed (2) | |
disbelief | |
discount (1) | |
discount (2) | |
discouraged | |
discover | |
discovery | |
discuss (1) argue | |
discuss (2) argue | |
disease | |
disgust | |
dish | |
Disneyland | |
dive | |
diver (1) | |
diver (2) | |
diving | |
divorce | |
dizzy | |
do (1) "what are you doing?" or "what to do?" | |
do (2) action | |
doctor (1) medical doctor | |
doctor (2) | |
dog (1) | |
dog (2) | |
dog (3) | |
doll | |
dollar | |
dollar: $1.00 | |
dollar: $2.00 | |
dollar: $3.00 | |
dollar: $4.00 | |
dollar: $5.00 | |
dollar: $6.00 | |
dollar: $7.00 | |
dollar: $8.00 | |
dollar: $9.00 | |
dollar: $10.00 | |
dollar: $11.00 | |
dollar: $12.00 | |
dollar: $13.00 | |
dollar: $14.00 | |
dollar: $15.00 | |
dollar: $16.00 | |
don't know | |
don't like | |
don't understand | |
don't want (1) | |
don't want (2) | |
donate | |
donkey | |
door | |
doorbell | |
dormitory | |
double | |
doubt | |
down | |
downstairs | |
downtown (1) | |
downtown (2) | |
downtown (3) | |
drama | |
drapes | |
draw | |
drawer | |
dread | |
dream (1) | |
dream (2) | |
dress (1)(v) | |
dress (2)(n) | |
drink (1)(n) beverage | |
drink (2)(v) | |
drink (3)(v) drink alcohol | |
drive (1) | |
drive (2) | |
driver (1) | |
driver (2) | |
drop | |
drop out | |
drunk (1)(adj) as in "You are drunk." | |
drunk (2)(n) drunkard | |
dry (1) | |
dry (2) | |
dryer (1) | |
dryer (2) | |
duck | |
due (money) | |
dull | |
dumb (2) stupid | |
dumb (stupid) | |
during | |
Dutch (1) | |
Dutch (2) | |
Dutch (3) | |
E ,e | |
e-mail (n) electronic mail | |
each (1) | |
each (2) | |
each (3) each other | |
eager | |
earn (1) | |
earn (2) | |
earth | |
easy | |
eat | |
edit (1) | |
edit (2) correct | |
education (1) | |
education (2) | |
education (3) | |
egg (1) | |
egg (2) | |
egg (3) | |
Egypt | |
Egyptian (adj) | |
eight (1) | |
eight (2) | |
eighteen | |
eighth (1) such as "eighth prize" | |
eighth (2) one-eighth | |
eighty: 80 | |
eighty: 81 | |
eighty: 82 | |
eighty: 83 | |
eighty: 84 | |
eighty: 85 | |
eighty: 86 | |
eighty: 87 | |
eighty: 88 | |
eighty: 89 | |
election | |
electric | |
electricity | |
electronic mail (n) e-mail | |
elephant | |
eleven | |
embarrass | |
embedded | |
emphasis | |
empty (1) | |
empty (2) | |
encourage | |
end | |
endure | |
enemy | |
engaged | |
engagement | |
engineer (1) | |
engineer (2) | |
engineering | |
England (1)(n) | |
England (2)(n) | |
English (1)(adj) | |
English (2)(adj) | |
enjoy | |
enough | |
enter | |
entire (1) | |
entire (2) | |
error | |
establish | |
etc. (1) | |
etc. (2) | |
etc. (3) | |
etc. (4) | |
etc. (5) | |
Europe | |
European | |
evaluate | |
evening (1) | |
evening (2) | |
every (1) | |
every (2) | |
every (3) | |
everyday | |
evil (1) | |
evil (2) | |
exam (1) | |
exam (2) | |
examine | |
example (1) | |
example (2) for example | |
exceed | |
except (1) | |
except (2) | |
exception (1) | |
exception (2) | |
excited | |
excuse (1) excuse me | |
excuse (2)(n) as in "making excuses" | |
exempt | |
exhausted | |
exit (1) | |
exit (2) | |
exit (3) | |
expect (1) | |
expect (2) | |
expensive | |
experience | |
expert | |
explain | |
explode (1) | |
explode (2) | |
express | |
expression | |
expressive (adj) | |
eyebrow | |
eyebrows (1) | |
eyebrows (2) eyebrows up | |
F ,f | |
fabric | |
face (1) part of the body | |
face (2) to face a person or object | |
facial expression | |
factory | |
fake | |
fall (1) autumn | |
fall (2) fall down | |
fall (3) fall down | |
false (1) | |
false (2) | |
family | |
far (1) | |
far (2) with emphasis | |
farm (1) | |
farm (2) | |
farmer (1)(n) | |
farmer (2)(n) | |
fast (1) | |
fast (2) quick | |
fat (1) | |
fat (2) waddle | |
father | |
father-in-law | |
fault (1) responsible | |
fault (2) blame | |
favor (in favor of) | |
February | |
feeble (1) | |
feeble (2) | |
feeble (3) feeble-minded | |
feed | |
feel | |
feeling | |
fence | |
festival (1) | |
festival (2) | |
few | |
fifteen | |
fifth (1) such as "fifth prize" | |
fifth (2) fifth in a list | |
fifth (3) fifth in a list, with emphasis | |
fifth (4) one-fifth | |
fifty: 50 | |
fifty: 51 | |
fifty: 52 | |
fifty: 53 | |
fifty: 54 | |
fifty: 55 | |
fifty: 56 | |
fifty: 57 | |
fifty: 58 | |
fifty: 59 | |
fight | |
fighting (1) | |
fighting (2) | |
figure (1) math | |
figure (2) figure out | |
figure (3) body, shape | |
file (1) | |
file (2) | |
film (1) movie | |
film (2) | |
filthy | |
final (1) | |
final (2) | |
finally | |
find (1) pick up | |
find (2) choose | |
find (3) find out | |
fine (1) good | |
fine (2) good | |
fine (3) cool, neat | |
fine (4) tax | |
fingerspell | |
fingerspelling | |
finish (1) | |
finish (2) | |
finish (3) | |
finish (4) | |
finish (5) | |
finish (6) | |
finish (7) finish-finish | |
fire | |
fireman (1) | |
fireman (2) | |
first (1) such as "first prize" | |
first (2) first in a list | |
first (3) first in a list, with emphasis | |
fish | |
five (1) | |
five (2) | |
flag (1) | |
flag (2) | |
floor | |
Florida | |
fly (in an airplane) | |
focus (1) | |
focus (2) | |
food | |
food store | |
foolish (1) | |
foolish (2) | |
football | |
for (1) | |
for (2) what for? (for-for?) | |
for (3) what for? (for-for?) | |
for (4) for example | |
forecast (1) | |
forecast (2) | |
forecaster | |
forest | |
forget | |
fork (1) | |
fork (2) | |
fork (3) | |
form | |
formal | |
forty: 40 | |
forty: 41 | |
forty: 42 | |
forty: 43 | |
forty: 44 | |
forty: 45 | |
forty: 46 | |
forty: 47 | |
forty: 48 | |
forty: 49 | |
found (1)(v) find, past tense | |
found (2) establish | |
four (1) | |
four (2) | |
fourteen | |
fourth (1) such as "fourth prize" | |
fourth (2) fourth in a list | |
fourth (3) fourth in a list, with emphasis | |
fourth (4) one-fourth | |
fowl | |
fox (1) | |
fox (2) | |
France | |
French | |
french fries (1) | |
french fries (2) | |
frequently (1) | |
frequently (2) | |
freshman (1) | |
freshman (2) | |
Friday | |
friend (1) | |
friend (2) | |
friends (1) | |
friends (2) very, very good friends | |
friends (3) good friends, pals | |
frog | |
from | |
fruit | |
full | |
funny | |
furniture | |
future | |
G ,g | |
Gallaudet | |
game (1) | |
game (2) | |
gee (oh gee, gee too bad) | |
general (1) chief person | |
general (2) chief person | |
general (3) in general | |
general (4) in general | |
generations (1) future generations, descendants | |
generations (2) previous generations, ancestors | |
generations (3) | |
generations (4) | |
gentleman (1) | |
gentleman (2) | |
geologist | |
geology | |
Georgia | |
German (1) | |
German (2) | |
Germany (1) | |
Germany (2) | |
get (1) | |
get (2) | |
gift | |
giraffe | |
girl | |
give (1)(v) infinitive | |
give (2)(v) infinitive | |
give (3)(v) giving regularly or frequently | |
give (4)(v) giving for awhile, over time | |
glad | |
glass (1) glass to drink out of | |
glass (2) porcelain, china | |
gloves (1) | |
gloves (2) | |
go (1) attend | |
go (2) going regularly, attend regularly | |
go (3) | |
go (4) | |
go (5) | |
God (1) | |
God (2) | |
gold | |
gone (all gone) | |
good (1) | |
good (2) | |
good (3) very very good | |
goodbye (1) | |
goodbye (2) | |
government | |
grammar (1)(n) | |
grammar (2)(n) | |
grammar (3)(n) | |
grandfather | |
grandmother | |
grapes | |
grave (n) burial place | |
gravy | |
gray | |
grease (n) | |
greasy (adj) | |
great (wonderful) | |
Greece (1) | |
Greece (2) | |
Greek (1) | |
Greek (2) | |
green | |
grey | |
gripe | |
grouchy | |
group (1) | |
group (2) | |
group (3) large group | |
group (4) large group | |
groups (1) | |
groups (2) one group, and then the other | |
groups (3) groups in many places | |
grow (1) plants | |
grow (2) grow up | |
guilt | |
guilty | |
gum (1) chewing gum | |
gum (2) chewing gum | |
H ,h | |
haircut (1) | |
haircut (2) | |
haircut (3) | |
haircut (4) | |
hairdresser (1)(n) | |
hairdresser (2)(n) | |
half (1) one-half | |
half (2) one-half | |
hallway (1)(n) | |
hallway (2)(n) | |
Hamburg, Germany | |
hamburger (1) | |
hamburger (2) | |
handkerchief | |
hands | |
happen | |
happy | |
hard (1) | |
hard (2) | |
hard (3) | |
hard (4) | |
hard-of-hearing | |
hare (1)(n) | |
hare (2)(n) | |
hare (3)(n) | |
hare (4) | |
hat | |
hate (1)(v) | |
hate (2)(v) | |
hate (3)(v) | |
have (1) to own something | |
have (2) have to, must | |
Hawaii (1)(n) | |
Hawaii (2)(n) | |
Hawaiian | |
he | |
health (1)(n) | |
health (2)(n) | |
healthy (1)(adj) | |
healthy (2)(adj) | |
hear (1) as in "hope to hear from you" | |
hear (2) can hear | |
hear (3) cannot hear | |
hearing (1)(n) "Do you have any hearing?" | |
hearing (2)(adj) hearing person in the "hearing" culture | |
hearing aid (1)(n) | |
hearing aid (2)(n) | |
heat (1)(n) | |
heat (2)(n) | |
heavy (1) | |
heavy (2) | |
heavy (3) | |
hello (1) | |
hello (2) | |
help ( 1)(n) assistance | |
help ( 2)(v) directional verb, infinitive | |
help ( 3)(v) I help you. | |
help ( 4)(v) I help him/her. | |
help ( 5)(v) I help him/her. | |
help ( 6)(v) You help me. | |
help ( 7)(v) You help him/her. | |
help ( 8)(v) You help him/her. | |
help ( 9)(v) He/she helps me. | |
help (10)(v) He/she helps me. | |
help (11)(v) He/she helps you. | |
help (12)(v) He/she helps you. | |
help (13)(v) He/she helps him/her. | |
help (14)(v) He/she helps him/her. | |
help (15)(v) I help them. | |
help (16)(v) I help them. | |
help (17)(v) I help all of you. | |
help (18)(v) I help each of you. | |
help (19)(v) I help each of them. | |
help (20)(v) I help each of them. | |
help (21)(v) I help each of them. | |
help (22)(v) I help all of them. | |
help (23)(v) I help all of them. | |
help (24)(v) I really want to help you. | |
help (25)(v) I help you regularly. | |
help (26)(v) I help him/her regularly. | |
help (27)(v) I help him/her regularly. | |
help (28)(v) You help me regularly. | |
help (29)(v) I help you continually. | |
help (30)(v) I help him/her continually. | |
help (31)(v) I help him/her continually. | |
help (32)(v) You help me continually. | |
help (33)(v) helping for a long period of time. | |
help (34)(v) help from an authority figure, such as a president or a teacher. | |
her (1)(pron) | |
her (2)(pron)(poss) | |
her (3)(pron)(poss) | |
here (1) | |
here (2) | |
here (3) | |
hereditary (1) | |
hereditary (2) | |
heredity (1) | |
heredity (2) | |
hers (1)(poss) | |
hers (2)(poss) | |
herself | |
hi (1) | |
hi (2) | |
him | |
himself | |
his (1) | |
his (2) | |
historian (1) | |
historian (2) | |
history (1) | |
history (2) | |
hit | |
hog | |
hold (1) | |
hold (2) | |
Holland (1) | |
Holland (2) | |
home | |
homely (1) ugly | |
homely (2) ugly | |
honest | |
hope (1) | |
hope (2) | |
horde (many people, animals or things) | |
horse | |
hose (stockings) | |
host | |
hot (1) | |
hot (2) very hot | |
hot dog (1) | |
hot dog (2) | |
hot dog (3) | |
hot dog (4) sausage | |
house | |
how (1) | |
how (2) | |
how (3) | |
how (4) How many? | |
how (4) How much? | |
huh? | |
hundred | |
hundred: 100 (1) | |
hundred: 100 (2) | |
hundred: 100 (3) | |
hundred: 200 (1) | |
hundred: 200 (2) | |
hundred: 200 (3) | |
hundred: 300 (1) | |
hundred: 300 (2) | |
hundred: 300 (3) | |
hundred: 300 (4) | |
hundred: 400 (1) | |
hundred: 400 (2) | |
hundred: 400 (3) | |
hundred: 500 (1) | |
hundred: 500 (2) | |
hundred: 500 (3) | |
hundred: 600 (1) | |
hundred: 600 (2) | |
hundred: 600 (3) | |
hundred: 700 (1) | |
hundred: 700 (2) | |
hundred: 700 (3) | |
hundred: 800 (1) | |
hundred: 800 (2) | |
hundred: 800 (3) | |
hundred: 900 (1) | |
hundred: 900 (2) | |
hundred: 900 (3) | |
hundreds | |
Hungarian | |
Hungary | |
hungry | |
hurry (1) | |
hurry (2) | |
hurt | |
husband (1) | |
husband (2) | |
I ,i | |
I (1) me | |
I (2) me, formal form used in theater, gesturing down the body | |
ice cream | |
Iceland | |
Icelandic | |
Idaho | |
idea | |
if (1) maybe | |
if (2) maybe | |
if (3) suppose | |
ignorant | |
Illinois (1) | |
Illinois (2) | |
illness | |
imagination | |
imagine | |
important | |
impress | |
improve | |
improvement | |
in | |
income (1) | |
income (2) | |
India | |
Indian (from India) | |
Indiana (1) | |
Indiana (2) | |
individual | |
industry | |
infant (1) | |
infant (2) | |
infantile (like an infant, babyish) | |
inferior | |
influence | |
inform (v) | |
information (n) | |
ink color (computer term) | |
insane (1) | |
insane (2) | |
insect (1) | |
insect (2) spider | |
insect (3) ants | |
insect (4) bugs | |
insert (1) put | |
insert (2) add onto | |
inside | |
institute | |
institution | |
instructor | |
integrate | |
intelligent | |
intend | |
intention | |
interact (1) | |
interact (2) mingle | |
interesting (1) | |
interesting (2) | |
international (1) | |
international (2) | |
interpret | |
interpreter (1) | |
interpreter (2) | |
interrupt | |
interruption | |
into | |
introduce (1) | |
introduce (2) | |
introduction (1) | |
introduction (2) | |
introduction (3) | |
invent (1) | |
invent (2) create | |
invention | |
Iowa | |
Ireland | |
Irish | |
Israel | |
Israeli | |
issue | |
issues | |
it | |
Italian (1) | |
Italian (2) | |
Italian (3) | |
Italy (1) | |
Italy (2) | |
Italy (3) | |
its (1) | |
its (2) | |
its (3) | |
its (4) | |
its (5) | |
its (6) | |
its (7) | |
itself | |
J ,j | |
jacket | |
jail | |
jam | |
janitor | |
January | |
Japan (1) | |
Japan (2) | |
Japanese (1) | |
Japanese (2) | |
Japanese (3) | |
jelly | |
Jesus | |
jet plane | |
join (1) | |
join (2) | |
judge | |
judgement | |
July | |
June | |
junior (in school) | |
K ,k | |
Kansas | |
Kentucky | |
kid (child) | |
king | |
kiss | |
kitchen (1) | |
kitchen (2) | |
knife (1) | |
knife (2) | |
knife (3) | |
knife (4) | |
know (1) | |
know (2) Yes. I Know. | |
know (3) don't know | |
know (4) know that | |
know (5) know that | |
know (6) used in sentence "Do you know what I mean?" | |
Korea | |
Korean | |
L ,l | |
lady (1) | |
lady (2) | |
lamb (1) | |
lamb (2) | |
lame | |
lamp | |
land (1) country | |
land (2) country | |
language (1) | |
language (2) | |
language (3) | |
large (1) | |
large (2) | |
large font (computer term) | |
last (1)(adj) final | |
last (2)(adj) final | |
last (3)(v) continuing, enduring | |
last (4) before | |
last (5) at last, finally | |
last (6) last week | |
late | |
later (1) | |
later (2) | |
laugh | |
law (1) | |
law (2) | |
lawyer (1) | |
lawyer (2) | |
lazy | |
lean (thin person) | |
learn (1) | |
learn (2) | |
learn (3) | |
learn (4) | |
learn (5) | |
least (at least) | |
leave (1)(v) | |
leave (2)(v) leave in many places | |
leave (3) leave a place | |
leave (4) leave a place | |
leave (5) leave a place | |
lecture (1) | |
lecture (2) | |
lecturer (1) | |
lecturer (2) | |
left (direction) | |
legal (1) | |
legal (2) | |
lemon | |
less than (1) | |
less than (2) | |
lessen (1) decrease | |
lessen (2) decrease | |
lesson (1) | |
lesson (2) | |
let (1) allow | |
let (2) allow | |
letter (mail) | |
lettuce (1) | |
lettuce (2) | |
library | |
lie (1) untruth | |
lie (2) untruth | |
life (1) | |
life (2) | |
light (1) from a light bulb | |
light (2) from a light bulb | |
light (3) from a light bulb | |
light (4) bright, clear | |
light (5) light color, or light weight | |
light grey | |
light pink | |
like (1) preference | |
like (2) the same | |
like (3) same as | |
like (4) standardization | |
like (5) standardization | |
like (6) don't like | |
like (7) alike (old ASL) | |
like (8) think-same | |
lime | |
linguistics | |
linguistics (2) | |
linguistics (3) | |
linguistics (4) | |
lion | |
liquor (1) | |
liquor (2) old ASL | |
list (1) | |
list (2) | |
list (3) | |
literature | |
little | |
live (1) | |
live (2) | |
living (1) still alive | |
living (2) still alive | |
living room (1) | |
living room (2) | |
long | |
long ago (1) | |
long ago (2) | |
look (1) look at | |
look (2) browse | |
look (3) look for, search | |
look (4) appearance | |
look (5) looks like | |
look (6) look up in dictionary | |
lookup | |
Los Angeles | |
lose (1) | |
lose (2) | |
lots (1) much | |
lots (2) many | |
Louisiana | |
love | |
lovely (1) | |
lovely (2) | |
luggage | |
lunch (1) | |
lunch (2) | |
M ,m | |
machine | |
mad (1) angry | |
mad (2) cross, grouchy | |
mad (3) burning or boiling mad | |
mad (4) crazy | |
magazine | |
mail (1)(n) letter | |
mail (2)(v) send | |
mailman | |
main (important) | |
Maine | |
make | |
Malaysia | |
Malaysian | |
mama | |
man (1) | |
man (2) | |
man (3) | |
manage | |
manager (1) | |
manager (2) | |
many (1) | |
many (2) | |
many (3) a horde of people, animals or things | |
March | |
marriage | |
marry | |
marshall | |
Maryland (1) | |
Maryland (2) | |
Massachusetts (1) | |
Massachusetts (2) | |
math | |
mathematics | |
matter (doesn't matter) | |
May (month) | |
maybe | |
me (1) | |
me (2) formal form used in theater, gesturing down the body | |
mean (1) intend | |
mean (2) meanness | |
mean (3) meanness | |
meaning | |
meat (1) | |
meat (2) beef | |
medical | |
medicine | |
medium font (computer term) | |
meet (1)(v) infinitive | |
meet (2)(v) You and I meet each other. | |
meet (3)(v) directional verb showing two people coming from two diagonal directions, meeting each other. It could mean "He/she or you and I meet." | |
meet (4)(v) meeting again and again | |
meet (5)(v) bump into each other by surprise | |
meet (6)(v) meeting people in different places | |
meet (7)(v) meeting often | |
meet (8)(v) meeting often | |
meeting | |
meetings (in many places) | |
melon | |
member | |
memories | |
menstruation (period) | |
mention | |
menus in signs (computer term) | |
menus in signs and words (computer term) | |
menus in words (computer term) | |
Mexican (adj) | |
Mexico (n) | |
mice | |
Michigan (1) | |
Michigan (2) | |
middle (1) | |
middle (2) center | |
milk | |
milkman | |
million: 1,000,000 | |
million: 2,000,000 | |
million: 3,000,000 | |
million: 4,000,000 | |
million: 5,000,000 | |
million: 6,000,000 | |
million: 7,000,000 | |
million: 8,000,000 | |
million: 9,000,000 | |
mind (brains) | |
mine (1) | |
mine (2) | |
mingle (interact) | |
Minnesota (1) | |
Minnesota (2) | |
minorities | |
mirror | |
Mississippi | |
Missouri | |
mistake | |
mom | |
Monday | |
money | |
monkey | |
Montana (1) | |
Montana (2) | |
month | |
monthly | |
moon (1) | |
moon (2) | |
moose | |
more (1) | |
more (2) more than, at least | |
morning (1) | |
morning (2) early morning | |
morning (3) | |
morphology (1) | |
morphology (2) | |
mosquito (1) | |
mosquito (2) | |
mother | |
mother-in-law | |
mouse | |
movie (1) | |
movie (2) film | |
much | |
mule | |
multiply | |
music (1) | |
music (2) | |
must | |
mustache | |
my (1) | |
my (2) | |
myself | |
N ,n | |
naked (1) | |
naked (2) | |
name (1) | |
name (2) to be named, to be called | |
napkin (1) | |
napkin (2) | |
narrow | |
nation | |
national | |
native (1) | |
native (2) grow up | |
native (3) | |
native (4) | |
natural | |
naturally | |
navy | |
near | |
neat (clean) | |
Nebraska (1) | |
Nebraska (2) | |
necklace | |
necktie | |
need | |
negotiate | |
neighbor | |
nephew | |
Netherlands (1) Holland | |
Netherlands (2) Holland | |
Netherlands (3) Holland | |
network | |
networking | |
Nevada | |
never | |
new (1) | |
new (2) | |
New Hampshire | |
New Jersey | |
New Mexico (1) | |
New Mexico (2) | |
New York (1) | |
New York (2) | |
New York (3) | |
New York (4) | |
new york city | |
New Zealand | |
New Zealander | |
newsletter | |
newspaper (1) | |
newspaper (2) | |
next (1) | |
next (2) next door | |
Nicaragua | |
nice | |
nickel (five cents) | |
niece | |
night (1) evening | |
night (2) evening | |
night (3) all night | |
night (4) all night | |
night (5) late at night | |
nine (1) | |
nine (2) | |
nineteen | |
nineteen eighty nine | |
nineteen-ninety | |
ninety: 90 | |
ninety: 91 | |
ninety: 92 | |
ninety: 93 | |
ninety: 94 | |
ninety: 95 | |
ninety: 96 | |
ninety: 97 | |
ninety: 98 | |
ninety: 99 | |
ninth (1) such as "ninth prize" | |
ninth (2) one-ninth | |
no (1) | |
no (2) no, no | |
no (3) no! | |
no (4) no-no | |
no (5) no more | |
none (1) | |
none (2) | |
noon | |
North Carolina | |
North Dakota | |
Norway (1)(n) | |
Norway (2)(n) | |
Norway (3)(n) | |
Norwegian (1)(adj) | |
Norwegian (2)(adj) | |
Norwegian (3)(adj) | |
not (1) | |
not (2) | |
not (3) not yet | |
notate (1)(v) put down on paper | |
notate (2)(v) put down on paper a lot | |
nothing (1) | |
nothing (2) | |
nothing (3) | |
nothing (4) | |
notice | |
noun | |
November | |
now (1) | |
now (2) | |
number | |
nurse | |
nursery (baby's room) | |
nuts | |
nylons (1) stockings | |
nylons (2) stockings | |
O ,o | |
o'clock: 1:00 | |
o'clock: 2:00 | |
o'clock: 3:00 | |
o'clock: 4:00 | |
o'clock: 5:00 | |
o'clock: 6:00 | |
o'clock: 7:00 | |
o'clock: 8:00 | |
o'clock: 9:00 | |
o'clock: 10:00 | |
o'clock: 11:00 | |
o'clock: 12:00 | |
object | |
obvious (1) | |
obvious (2) | |
October | |
of course | |
office | |
officer (1) | |
officer (2) | |
often (1) | |
often (2) | |
Ohio | |
oil | |
OK | |
Oklahoma | |
old (1) | |
old (2) | |
old (3) | |
old (4) | |
old (5) old-fashioned | |
on | |
one (1) | |
one (2) | |
onion (1) | |
onion (2) | |
only (1) | |
only (2) only one | |
open (1) | |
open (2) | |
oppose | |
opposite | |
or (1) | |
or (2) | |
orange | |
order (1) command | |
order (2) plan | |
Oregon (1) | |
Oregon (2) | |
organization (1) | |
organization (2) large organization | |
organize (plan) | |
other (1) | |
other (2) each other | |
our | |
ours | |
out (1) | |
out (2) | |
over (1) across | |
over (2) across | |
over (3) amount that is more than | |
over (4) finished | |
P ,p | |
page | |
pah (special sign in ASL grammar that means "finally" or "at last") | |
pain | |
pair (both) | |
pajamas (1) | |
pajamas (2) | |
Pakistan | |
Pakistani | |
pal | |
pamphlet (1) | |
pamphlet (2) | |
pamphlet (3) | |
pancake | |
panties | |
pants (1) | |
pants (2) | |
papa | |
paper | |
paper color (computer term) | |
parallel | |
parents (1) | |
parents (2) | |
part (1) some | |
part (2) some | |
pass (1) passing by, getting by | |
pass (2) | |
passive | |
past | |
paste | |
pay | |
pea | |
peace (1) | |
peace (2) | |
peaceful (1) | |
peaceful (2) | |
peach | |
peanut | |
peas | |
pen | |
pencil | |
Pennsylvania | |
penny (one cent) | |
people (1) | |
people (2) midwestern USA dialect | |
pepper | |
Pepsi | |
perform (theater) | |
perhaps | |
period (1) punctuation | |
period (2) menstruation | |
person (1) | |
person (2) ending that is attached to signs for different professions. Example: law-person, teach-person. Equivalent to the "er" at the end of words in English. However, it is not used exactly as English uses "er". | |
personality (1) | |
personality (2) | |
perspective | |
phone (v) to telephone someone | |
phonology | |
photocopy | |
photograph | |
photographer | |
pick (1) pick up | |
pick (2) choose | |
pick (3) picking three items | |
picture (1) photograph | |
picture (2) movie | |
picture (3) film | |
pie (1) | |
pie (2) | |
pig | |
pilot | |
pin (brooch) | |
pink | |
pitcher | |
pity | |
place | |
plan (organize) | |
plane | |
planet | |
plate | |
play (1) theater | |
play (2) play a game, play with toys | |
plead | |
pleasant | |
please | |
plumber (1) | |
plumber (2) | |
plumbing | |
pocketbook | |
poetry (1) | |
poetry (2) | |
point (1) | |
point (2) | |
point (3) as in "good point", "you are right" | |
Poland (1) | |
Poland (2) | |
police | |
policeman | |
Polish (1) | |
Polish (2) | |
polishing fingernails | |
polite | |
politics | |
pool (1) billiards | |
pool (2) billiards | |
poor (1) poverty | |
poor (2) pity, "poor person" | |
pop (1) father | |
pop (2) soda pop | |
popcorn | |
popular | |
porcelain | |
Portugal | |
Portugese | |
positive | |
possible (1) | |
possible (2) | |
post office | |
postman | |
potato | |
potential | |
poverty | |
practice | |
praise | |
pray (1) | |
pray (2) | |
predict | |
prefer | |
preferences | |
pregnant | |
prepare | |
preserve | |
president | |
pressure | |
pretty (1) | |
pretty (2) | |
previous | |
priest | |
prince | |
princess | |
principal | |
print (1) | |
print (2) | |
priority | |
prison | |
private | |
problem (1) | |
problem (2) | |
proceed | |
profit | |
program | |
programmer (1) | |
programmer (2) | |
progress (1) | |
progress (2) | |
project | |
promise | |
proper | |
prove | |
psychiatrist | |
psychologist (1) | |
psychologist (2) | |
psychology (1) | |
psychology (2) | |
public | |
publicize | |
publish (1) | |
publish (2) | |
pumpkin | |
punish | |
purple | |
purpose | |
purse | |
put (1)(v) putting something in front of you | |
put (2)(v) putting something right diagonal | |
put (3)(v) putting something left diagonal | |
put (4)(v) putting something to the right | |
put (5)(v) putting something to the left | |
put down (1)(v) put down on paper, take notes, notate | |
put down (2)(v) put down a lot | |
puzzle | |
Q ,q | |
quarter (1) twenty-five cents | |
quarter (2) one quarter | |
queen | |
question (1) | |
question (2) huh? | |
question (3) | |
question (4) | |
quick | |
quiet (1) | |
quiet (2) | |
quit | |
quote (1) | |
quote (2) | |
quotes (issues) | |
R ,r | |
rabbit (1)(n) | |
rabbit (2)(n) | |
rabbit (3)(n) | |
rabbit (4) | |
radio | |
rain | |
rat (1) | |
rat (2) | |
read (1) | |
read (2) | |
read (3) continually read | |
real | |
really | |
reason | |
receive | |
recently | |
recognize | |
record (1)(v) put down on paper | |
record (2)(v) put down on paper a lot | |
red | |
refuse (verb) | |
rehearsal | |
relate (1) | |
relate (2) | |
relate (3) | |
relate (4) | |
relate (5) | |
relate (6) | |
relate (8) | |
relationship | |
relieved (1) | |
relieved (2) | |
religion | |
remember | |
report | |
reporter (1) | |
reporter (2) | |
require | |
research (1) | |
research (2) | |
researcher (1) | |
researcher (2) | |
researcher (3) | |
researcher (4) | |
reserve | |
reserved | |
resist (1) | |
resist (2) | |
resist (3) | |
response | |
responsibility | |
restaurant | |
restroom (bathroom) | |
return | |
Rhode Island | |
rich (1) | |
rich (2) | |
ride horse (1) | |
ride horse (2) | |
right (1) direction | |
right (2) correct | |
right (3) all right | |
right (4) rights, privileges | |
ring | |
robber (1) bandit, thief | |
robber (2) bandit, thief | |
Rochester, New York | |
rodent | |
Romania | |
Romanian | |
roof | |
room (1) | |
room (2) | |
roommate | |
rubber | |
rude | |
ruler (1) | |
ruler (2) | |
rules | |
Rumania | |
Rumanian | |
rush (hurry) | |
Russia | |
Russian | |
S ,s | |
sad | |
salad | |
salary (1) | |
salary (2) | |
salt (1) | |
salt (2) | |
same (1) | |
same (2) the same | |
same (3) same as | |
same (4) standardization | |
same (5) standardization | |
sandals | |
sandwich | |
satisfied (1) | |
satisfied (2) | |
Saturday | |
sausage | |
save (1) preserve or store for a long time | |
save (2) save, store money | |
save as | |
savings | |
say | |
scared (1) | |
scared (2) | |
scared (3) | |
scarf | |
schedule | |
school | |
science (1) | |
science (2) | |
scientist (1) | |
scientist (2) | |
scientist (3) | |
scientist (4) | |
scissor (1) | |
scissor (2) | |
Scotland | |
Scottish | |
scout | |
scream (1) | |
scream (2) | |
search for | |
second (1) such as "second prize" | |
second (2) second in a list | |
second (3) second in a list, with emphasis | |
secret | |
secretary (1) | |
secretary (2) | |
security | |
see (1) | |
see (2) | |
see (3) Oh, I see. | |
seem (appear) | |
select | |
sell | |
semantics | |
semester | |
senate | |
senator | |
send (1)(v) | |
send (2)(v) I send (a letter) to you. | |
send (3)(v) He/she sends to me. | |
send (4)(v) I send to him/her. | |
senior (in school) | |
sentence (1) | |
sentence (2) | |
separate (1) apart | |
separate (2) apart | |
September | |
servant (1) | |
servant (2) | |
serve | |
service | |
set up | |
seven (1) | |
seven (2) | |
seven (3) Seven-Up (drink) | |
seventeen | |
seventh (1) such as "seventh prize" | |
seventh (2) one-seventh | |
seventy: 70 | |
seventy: 71 | |
seventy: 72 | |
seventy: 73 | |
seventy: 74 | |
seventy: 75 | |
seventy: 76 | |
seventy: 77 | |
seventy: 78 | |
seventy: 79 | |
several | |
sew | |
sewing machine | |
shame (1) | |
shame (2) | |
shame (3) | |
shape | |
share (1) | |
share (2) | |
share (3) | |
she | |
sheep (1) | |
sheep (2) | |
sheet | |
shelf | |
sheriff | |
ship (1) boat | |
ship (2) boat | |
ship (3) boat | |
shipping | |
shirt | |
shoes | |
short (1) short time | |
short (2) height | |
short (3) condense, brief | |
should | |
show (1) | |
show (2) | |
show (3) | |
show (4) show a group, show them, show you all | |
show (5) show up, appear | |
show (6) theater performance | |
show (7) television show | |
shower (1) | |
shower (2) to take a shower, to bathe | |
shy (1) ashamed, bashful | |
shy (2) ashamed, bashful | |
sick (1)(v) being sick (infinitive) | |
sick (2)(v) being sick continuously | |
sick (3)(v) being sick regularly | |
sickness (n) | |
sign | |
Sign Writing | |
signing | |
similar (1) | |
similar (2) | |
simple (1) | |
simple (2) | |
since | |
Singapore | |
single (1) | |
single (2) | |
single (3) | |
sister | |
sit (1) | |
sit (2) sitting in a circle | |
situation | |
six (1) | |
six (2) | |
sixteen | |
sixth (1) such as "sixth prize" | |
sixth (2) one-sixth | |
sixty: 60 | |
sixty: 61 | |
sixty: 62 | |
sixty: 63 | |
sixty: 64 | |
sixty: 65 | |
sixty: 66 | |
sixty: 67 | |
sixty: 68 | |
sixty: 69 | |
skill (1)(n) | |
skill (2)(n) | |
skillful | |
skinny | |
skirt | |
skunk | |
slacks (1) | |
slacks (2) | |
sleep | |
slender | |
slim | |
Slovakia (n) | |
Slovakian (adj) | |
slow (1) | |
slow (2) | |
small | |
small font (computer term) | |
smart | |
smile | |
smooth | |
snake | |
snobbish | |
snow | |
so (1) | |
so (2) similar to the English word "well" | |
social | |
socialize | |
society (1) culture | |
society (2) association or club | |
society (3) large association or club | |
socks (1) | |
socks (2) | |
soda | |
sofa | |
soft | |
soft drink | |
soiled | |
soldier | |
some (1) part | |
some (2) part | |
son | |
soon | |
soothe (comfort) | |
sophomore | |
sore (ache, pain, hurt) | |
sorry | |
soup | |
sour (1) bitter taste | |
sour (2) bitter feeling | |
South Carolina | |
South Dakota (1) | |
South Dakota (2) | |
spaghetti (1) | |
spaghetti (2) | |
Spain | |
Spanish | |
speak (1) | |
speak (2) | |
speaker (1) lecturer | |
speaker (2) lecturer | |
special (1) | |
special (2) | |
specialist | |
specialize | |
specific | |
spider | |
spoken | |
spoon | |
spread | |
spring (time of year, season) | |
squirrel | |
stairs (1) | |
stairs (2) | |
stairs (3) | |
stairway (1) | |
stairway (2) | |
stairway (3) | |
stand | |
standard (1) | |
standard (2) | |
standardization (1) | |
standardization (2) | |
star | |
stars | |
start (1) | |
start (2) | |
steady | |
steal (1) | |
steal (2) | |
steal (3) | |
steps | |
steps (1) | |
steps (2) | |
steps (3) | |
stockings (1) | |
stockings (2) | |
stockings (3) | |
stockings (4) | |
stolen (1) | |
stolen (2) | |
stop (1) | |
stop (2) | |
stop (3) | |
store (1) shop | |
store (2) save | |
story | |
strawberry (1) | |
strawberry (2) | |
street | |
stress (1) pressure | |
stress (2) emphasis | |
strict | |
stripes (1) | |
stripes (2) | |
strong (1) | |
strong (2) | |
structure | |
stubborn | |
student (1) | |
student (2) | |
study (1) | |
study (2) | |
stupid (1) | |
stupid (2) | |
subject | |
submissive | |
success (1) | |
success (2) | |
suffer | |
suffering | |
sugar | |
suitcase | |
summarize | |
summer (1) | |
summer (2) | |
summer (3) | |
summer (4) | |
summon (1) call | |
summon (2) call | |
sun (1) | |
sun (2) | |
sun (3) | |
Sunday | |
superintendent | |
support (1) verb | |
support (2) noun | |
suppose (1) if | |
suppose (2) supposed to, have to | |
sure | |
surprise (1) | |
surprise (2) | |
surprised (1) | |
surprised (2) | |
survival | |
sweater | |
Sweden (1) | |
Sweden (2) | |
Swedish (1) | |
Swedish (2) | |
sweep | |
sweet (1) | |
sweet (2) | |
sweetheart (1) | |
sweetheart (2) | |
swelled headed | |
Swiss | |
Switzerland | |
syrup | |
system | |
T ,t | |
t-shirt | |
table (1) | |
table (2) | |
table (3) | |
table (4) | |
table (5) | |
Taiwan | |
Taiwanese | |
take (1) take a class | |
take (2) take care | |
talent | |
talk (1) | |
talk (2) | |
talk (3) chatting | |
talk (4) | |
tall (1) | |
tall (2) height | |
tan | |
task (1) | |
task (2) | |
task (3) | |
tax (1) | |
tax (2) fine | |
tea | |
teach | |
teacher (1) | |
teacher (2) | |
team (1) | |
team (2) large team | |
teeth | |
telephone (1)(n) | |
telephone (2)(v) to phone or call someone on the telephone | |
temple (Jewish) (1) | |
temple (Jewish) (2) | |
tempt (1) | |
tempt (2) | |
tempted (1) | |
tempted (2) | |
ten | |
tends to | |
Tennessee | |
tent | |
tenth (4) one-tenth | |
terrible | |
test (1) | |
test (2) | |
test (3) | |
test (4) finish the test | |
Texas | |
than | |
thank you | |
Thanksgiving (1) | |
Thanksgiving (2) | |
that (1) | |
that (2) | |
that (3) | |
that (4) | |
theater | |
their (1) | |
their (2) | |
their (3) | |
their (4) | |
their (5) | |
their (6) | |
their (7) | |
theirs (1) | |
theirs (2) | |
theirs (3) | |
theirs (4) | |
theirs (5) | |
theirs (6) | |
theirs (7) | |
themselves (1) | |
themselves (2) | |
then | |
theories | |
theory (1) | |
theory (2) | |
there (1) | |
there (2) | |
there (3) | |
there (4) | |
there (5) over there | |
these | |
they (1) | |
they (2) | |
they (3) | |
thief (1) bandit, robber | |
thief (2) bandit, robber | |
thin (person) | |
thing | |
think (1) | |
think (2) | |
third (1) such as "third prize" | |
third (2) third in a list | |
third (3) third in a list, with emphasis | |
third (4) one-third | |
thirteen | |
thirty: 30 (1) | |
thirty: 30 (2) | |
thirty: 31 | |
thirty: 32 | |
thirty: 33 | |
thirty: 34 | |
thirty: 35 | |
thirty: 36 | |
thirty: 37 | |
thirty: 38 | |
thirty: 39 | |
this (1) | |
this (2) | |
this (3) | |
thousand: 1,000 | |
thousand: 2,000 | |
thousand: 3,000 | |
thousand: 4,000 | |
thousand: 5,000 | |
thousand: 6,000 | |
thousand: 7,000 | |
thousand: 8,000 | |
thousand: 9,000 | |
thousands | |
three (1) | |
three (2) | |
thrill | |
through | |
throw (1) | |
throw (2) | |
throw out | |
Thursday | |
ticket | |
tie | |
tiger | |
time (1) | |
time (2) | |
time (3) | |
time (4) | |
time (5) | |
time (6) | |
tiny bit | |
tired | |
tissue | |
to | |
toad | |
toast | |
today (1) | |
today (2) | |
together | |
toilet | |
tomato (1) | |
tomato (2) | |
tomorrow (1) | |
tomorrow (2) day after tomorrow | |
too | |
took (took all of, steal) | |
tortoise (1) | |
tortoise (2) | |
tough | |
towel | |
town (1) | |
town (2) | |
town (3) | |
town (4) | |
train | |
training (1) | |
training (2) | |
translate | |
translation | |
trash | |
tree (1) | |
tree(2) | |
trees (forest) | |
trouble | |
trousers (1) | |
trousers (2) | |
true | |
truly | |
trust | |
truth | |
try (1) | |
try (2) | |
try (3) | |
try (4) | |
Tuesday | |
turkey (1)(n) fowl | |
turkey (2)(n) fowl | |
Turkey (n) country | |
Turkish (adj) | |
turtle (1) | |
turtle (2) | |
TV (1) | |
TV (2) | |
twelve | |
twenty: 20 (1) | |
twenty: 20 (2) | |
twenty: 20 (3) | |
twenty: 21 (1) | |
twenty: 21 (2) | |
twenty: 22 | |
twenty: 23 | |
twenty: 24 | |
twenty: 25 (1) | |
twenty: 25 (2) | |
twenty: 26 | |
twenty: 27 | |
twenty: 28 | |
twenty: 29 | |
twins (1) | |
twins (2) | |
two (1) | |
two (2) | |
type | |
type down | |
type fingerspelling | |
type left-to-right | |
type signs | |
type words | |
typing | |
U ,u | |
ugly (1) | |
ugly (2) | |
UK | |
umbrella | |
uncle | |
under (1) place under | |
under (2) less than | |
underpants | |
understand (1) | |
understand (2) Yes. I understand. | |
understand (3) No. I don't understand. | |
underwear | |
university | |
until (1) | |
until (2) until now | |
untitled | |
up (1) | |
up (2) up until now | |
us (1) | |
us (2) | |
USA | |
use (1) | |
use (2) | |
use (3) | |
used to (1) habit | |
used to (2) habit | |
Utah (1) | |
Utah (2) | |
V ,v | |
vacant | |
vacuum | |
vanilla | |
vegatable | |
verb (1) | |
verb (2) | |
verb (3) | |
Vermont (1) | |
Vermont (2) | |
vice president | |
victory (1) | |
victory (2) | |
Vietnam | |
Vietnamese | |
volunteer | |
vote | |
W ,w | |
wait | |
waiter (1) | |
waiter (2) | |
waitress (1) | |
waitress (2) | |
Wales | |
walk (1) | |
walk (2) | |
walk (3) | |
wall | |
want (1) | |
want (2) | |
warm (1) | |
warm (2) | |
warm (3) | |
wash (1) | |
wash (2) | |
wash (3) washing face | |
wash (4) bathe | |
washing machine | |
Washington (1) Washington D.C. | |
Washington (2) state | |
wastebasket | |
water | |
watermelon | |
way (1) | |
way (2) | |
we | |
weak (1) | |
weak (2) | |
wealthy (1) | |
wealthy (2) | |
weather | |
weather man | |
wedding | |
Wednesday | |
week (1) | |
week (2) weekly | |
week (3) next week | |
week (4) last week | |
weigh | |
weight (1) pounds | |
weight (2) weight lifting | |
welcome (1) | |
welcome (2) | |
welcome (3) | |
welcome (4) | |
welcome (5) | |
well (1) healthy | |
well (2) healthy | |
well (3) similar to the English word "so", for example: "Well...maybe I will go, maybe not." | |
Welsh | |
West Virginia (1) | |
West Virginia (2) | |
wet | |
what (1) | |
what (2) question what | |
what (3) what for? | |
what (4) what's up? | |
when | |
where (1) | |
where (2) question where | |
which | |
whiskey (1) | |
whiskey (2) | |
whiskey (3) | |
whiskey (4) | |
white | |
who (1) | |
who (2) question who | |
whole (1) | |
whole (2) | |
why (1) | |
why (2) | |
why (3) | |
wide | |
wife | |
will (1) | |
will (2) | |
wind | |
window (1) | |
window (2) | |
window color (computer term) | |
wine | |
winter | |
Wisconsin | |
wish | |
with | |
without (1) | |
without (2) | |
woman (1) | |
woman (2) | |
won't | |
wonder | |
wonderful (1) | |
wonderful (2) | |
wood | |
woods (forest) | |
word | |
work (1) | |
work (2) | |
work (3) | |
worker (1) | |
worker (2) | |
worker (3) | |
workshop (1) | |
workshop (2) | |
world (1) | |
world (2) | |
worried | |
worry | |
worsen (getting worse) | |
wow (1) | |
wow (2) | |
wrestling | |
write | |
writer (1) | |
writer (2) | |
writing (1) | |
writing (2) | |
writing (3) | |
writing (4) | |
writing (5) writing continuously | |
written (1) | |
written (2) | |
wrong (1) | |
wrong (2) continuously wrong | |
Wyoming (1) | |
Wyoming (2) | |
X ,x | |
Xerox (photocopy) | |
Y ,y | |
year (1) | |
year (2) for years | |
year (3) next year | |
year (4) last year | |
year (5) yearly, annually | |
yell (1) | |
yell (2) | |
yellow | |
yes (1) | |
yes (2) | |
yesterday (1) | |
yesterday (2) day before yesterday | |
yet (not yet) | |
you (1) | |
you (2) | |
you (3) you all | |
you (4) you all | |
young (1) | |
young (2) | |
young (3) | |
your | |
yours (1) singular | |
yours (2) plural | |
yours (3) | |
yourself | |
yourselves (1) | |
yourselves (2) | |
Yugoslavia | |
Yugoslavian | |
Z ,z | |
zebra | |
zero (1) | |
zero (2) | |
zero (3) | |
zipper | |
zoom (zoom in on, focus attention) |