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It's still very early in the development process, so there isn't much in the way of screenshots.


It's kinda hard to provide screenshots from a library, but there's a library routine to read through a SignWriting dictionary and another to generate PNG images of a SignWriting symbol. As a demonstration of feasibility, a simple driver was written to generate PNG images of a SignWriting dictionary. When applied to an ASL dictionary, it generates this page of dictionary entries. Be warned, however, that the page is a good stress test for a browser, so don't be surprised if your browser goes catatonic, crashes, or just takes a very long time to load.


In this screenshot, the user has made a string of correct answers. For the this choice, the program has given a text phrase and is expecting the user to select a SignWriting symbol.

Later in the session, the program has offered a SignWriting symbol and the user has made an incorrect choice. The program highlights the correct answer, providing immediate reinforcement.

These pages are maintained and copyright © 2000-2008 by Greg Noel.
Any suggestions or comments are welcome.
SignWriting® is a registered mark of the Center for Sutton Movement Writing, Inc.
This page regenerated Sat Feb 2 21:39:53 PST 2008